Digital Store – Grand Opening

Dear valued collectors, my friends!

As fas as many of you might have known, sculpting is my passion and I just can’t stop myself from trying to design and craft new things. Obviously, some were good, some were bad but it’s too heart-breaking for me to let them rot away.

The goal here is to make another way for you, my beloved collectors to access your favourite pieces of art via the development of 3D printing in recent years. However, raffle stuffs is limited and will continue to be so. The sculpt that will be put up on the store will only be the ones that didn’t have any or much appearance on our raffles, so that those sculpts will have another chance to shine.

With this, I’m excited to announce the grand opening of our digital store, a haven for 3D sculpts of keycaps and figures.

To celebrate this occasion, I would like to offer a FREE sculpt – Kaiemon – and 20% discount on all digital sculpts available on the store at the moment, as a token of appreciation to our community.

This offer will only last for 1 week. So hurry up and check out what’s available right now via this link: !!

Have fun printing!!

Best regards, Pizzza013

Digital Store

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